Such a long time since we posted. Life is busy around here.
B, now 7, is beginning to read and really enjoying books. We are looking for more and more ways to engage him in the process and keep him motivated when it comes to reading. Finding book balanced for him reading level and is interests have been hard. Any ideas out there?
Nalls is becoming more of her own person everyday. She is fierce and strong willed. She is writing well to our surprise and still enjoys climbing jumping and being outside.
This holiday my sister and her husband visited. It was great to host them in many ways the same way we were hosted as a young couple by my in-laws. The kids have really enjoyed the time. Our holidays are getting more and more relaxed as we try to focus more the value of time together. We have even given up on some traditions like putting cookies out for Santa and making our own advent calendars. This year we even had to “move†Solstice to the next week to make it work for everyone. I know we will all enjoy the annual celebration and who cares if it is a week late.
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In the past two weeks the kids have all started school. Nallia started in the Exploration House, the preschool part of the HSU Children’s Center, Bryson started Kindergarten at Union Street Charter School and Bella started as a senior at McKinleyville High School.
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Another summer has ended. We had a wonderful time seeing family in July in San Diego and Ohio.
At the end of July we welcomed Bella into our home. She is a student from Germany that will be staying with us for the school year. In the last month our lives have shifted with some travel to show Bella the North Coast and all three kids heading back school.
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This summer both kids have been taking swim lessons and today Bryson dove of the blocks in a mock race to the instructor. He was his second try and he got much better as the day went on.
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For the GLORY! The kids really enjoyed all the sculptures this year!!

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This Sunday the kids and I (Kit) went to the Arcata Bike Rodeo  . This was an awesome event to show kids how to be safe on bikes. They had volunteers to check helmet and the bikes. Bryson did great and even knew the hand signals to turn.
Bryson was lucky to also head to the movies after the bike rodeo. It was a busy day that ended with the kids and Drew driving east out of the fog to see the eclipse. Enjoy the pics!
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I am sure this is not cleared for a two year old!

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A wonderful gift for the holiday season.

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Last night we went to Arts Arcata and saw Santa. Bryson was very excited but Nallia stood back just getting right to the point, telling Santa “Hello Kitty, Dora”.
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